Progressing Your Training


Keeping focused and consistent in your training is key to ensuring you progress your running fitness but sometimes this can be easier said than done. Life can get in the way and it can be all too easy to miss a few days training here and there and then, before you know it, you're fitness levels have slipped and your motivation takes a dive.

The best way to keep yourself motivated and on track is to set yourself a goal. Once you have a target or goal you are more likely to ensure that you fit your training into your life. The plan that you write to take you to your goal is like a jigsaw puzzle made up of many pieces. You won't want to miss putting a single piece into the puzzle and leaving it incomplete and so you will find that half hour to go for your run and you will arrange your social activities or television programmes around your running rather than the other way around! Once you have set your goal check that it is SMARTER before you set it in stone!


Race Preparation

